Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy: Integration and Assessment in Higher Education

by : Irvin R. KATZ & Alexius Smith MACKLIN

Despite coming of age with the Internet and other technology, many college students lack the information and communication technology (ICT) literacy skills—locating, evaluating, and communicating information—necessary to navigate and use theoverabundance of information available today. This paper presents a study of the validity of a simulations-based assessment of ICT literacy skills. Our overall goals for the assessment are to support ICT literacy instructional initiatives at colleges and universities.
Keywords: Higher Education, ICT Literacy, Information  Literacy, Instructional Initiatives, Psychometrics,  Validity.

Discussions of Information Technology in Education typically emphasize the Technology rather than the Information. Widespread technology has meant that people encounter more information, in a greater variety of
formats, than ever before. Technology is the portal through which we interact with information, but people’s ability to handle information—to solve problems and think critically about information—tells us more about their future success than their knowledge of specific hardware or software. These skills—known as Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Literacy—comprise a 21st century form of literacy, in which researching and communicating information via digital environments are as important as reading and writing were in earlier centuries.
ICT literate students master content faster . . . . . . . (Read more)

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Rabu, 25 Mei 2011


oleh : I Gusti Made Karmawan, Tangkas Udoyono, Ita Ernala Kaban
(Publikasi pada : Proceeding Seminar Nasional Techno-Economy, UTAMA, ISSN: 2086-5414, 25 Feb 2010, hal 1-14)

PT. Swari Andini merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam general trading (perdagangan umum khususnya peralatan yang mendukung pengeboran dan produksi minyak). Dalam mendukung kegiatan bisnisnya, perlu adanya bantuan di bidang komputerisasi untuk mengorganisir pembelian, penjualan dan persediaan yang terjadi di perusahaan, sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan. Metodologi yang dipakai ada 3 yaitu studi kepustakaan dengan mempelajari buku-buku teks yang bersangkutan, lalu metode factfinding yang dilakukan dengan menganalisa dan survei pada sistem yang sedang berjalan di perusahaan juga dengan wawancara karyawan untuk memperoleh informasi yang dibutuhkan, dan metode perancangan basis data dengan tiga konsep perancangan konseptual, perancangan logikal, dan perancangan fisikal, juga rancangan layar input dan output yang dihasilkan, dan laporan-laporan yang berisi informasi yang dibutuhkan. Dalam perancangan basis data digunakan piranti lunak microsoft SQL Server 2000.
Kata kunci: perancangan basis data, data pembelian, data penjualan, data persediaan

Di era yang semakin maju ini, kebutuhan akan informasi yang cepat, tepat dan akurat sangat penting. Oleh  arena itu, perusahaanperusahaan baik kecil maupun besar sudah mulai melakukan perubahan seperti komputerisasi terhadap sistem perusahaannya dengan tujuan agar dapat bersaing di zaman yang maju ini. Seiring berkembangnya perusahaan dan bertambahnya jumlah pelanggan serta barang maka jumlah transaksi
juga mengalami peningkatan.
Banyak perusahaan yang memiliki kesulitan dalam menangani pembelian dan penjualan barang. Hal ini disebabkan banyaknya jenis barang dan terbatasnya waktu, sehingga seringkali mengganggu kegiatan operasional perusahaan seperti pencarian stok, transaksi jualbeli, dan sebagainya. Hal seperti ini tentunya akan menurunkan kinerja perusahaan dan menghambat pertumbuhan perusahaan. Untuk menangani masalah ini harus dibuat suatu basisdata, perancangan basisdata berguna untuk menjamin keakuratan data agar dapat meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan yang sangat dibutuhkan. PT. Swari Andini dalam usahanya sebagai General Trading dan Contractor khususnya dalam bidang supplier oil gas (supplier alat-alat pengeboran minyak) dan perlengkapan kantor seperti meja dan kursi sering melakukan transaksi pembelian dan penjualan. Banyaknya jumlah dan harga barang, dalam suatu transaksi, menyebabkan....................(baca_selengkapnya )

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oleh : Islahuzzaman
(Publikasi pada : Proceeding Seminar Nasional Techno-Economy, UTAMA, ISSN: 2086-5414, 25 Feb 2010, hal 1-16)

Ketika perusahaan masih kecil, audit laporan keuangan dapat dilakukan secara manual. Sejalan dengan pertumbuhan jumlah perusahaan-perusahaan yang menggunakan fasilitas Teknologi Informasi (TI) dalam bisnisnya akan berpengaruh terhadap pelaksanaan audit.
Satuan usaha (organisasi/perusahaan) disebut menggunakan sistem TI apabila dalam memproses data penyusunan laporan keuangan menggunakan komputer dari tipe dan jenis tertentu. Baik dioperasikan oleh perusahaan sendiri atau pihak lain. Kebutuhan terhadap auditing TI semakin perlu untuk dipenuhi agar tujuan auditing tetap dapat dicapai secara efektif dan efisien. Meskipun tujuan dasar auditing tetap tidak berubah, tapi proses audit mengalami perubahan yang signifikan baik dalam pengumpulan dan evaluasi bukti maupun pengendaliannya. Hal ini disebakan karena adanya perubahan dalam pemrosesan data akuntansi. Auditor harus pula memiliki pengetahuan pengolahan data elektronik memadai untuk menerapkan prosedur audit laporan keuangan. Makalah ini akan menjelaskan bagaimana dampak TI terhadap proses audit.
Kata Kunci: Teknologi informasi, audit laporan keuangan
Masalah TI dalam audit muncul ketika perusahaan yang akan diaudit menggunakan TI dalam proses transaksi mereka sampai kepada penyusunan laporan keuangan. Sebagian besar entitas, termasuk perusahaan keluarga berukuran kecil, mengandalkan TI untuk mencatat dan memroses transaksi bisnis. Akibat kemajuan TI yang luar biasa, perusahaan yang relatif kecilpun bahkan menggunakan komputer pribadi dengan perangkat lunak akuntansi komersial untuk menjalankan fungsi akuntansinya. Ketika perusahaan tumbuh dan semakin membutuhkan informasi, perusahaan itu biasanya meningkatkan sistem TInya.
Fungsi akuntansi yang menggunakan jaringan TI yang rumit, Internet, dan fungsi TI terpusat sekarang sudah merupakan hal yang umum.
Namun demikian, pemasangan sistem komputer baru memiliki risiko baru. Kesalahan kecil komputer dapat menimbulkan permasalahan yang besar. Hal ini pernah dialami oleh Hershey's food ketika mulai menjalankan usahanya dengan sistem komputer baru seharga $112 juta pada bulan Juli 1999. Sistem baru itu diharapkan mengotomatisasi segalanya mulai dari pesanan permen hingga penempatan pallet ke truk. Tetapi sistem itu malah mengacaukan sistem pemesanan serta distribusi, dan beberapa pelanggan tidak bisa mendapatkan permen selama musim Halloween yang penting. . . . . .  (baca_selengkapnya )

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Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management). e-mail ke : atau
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Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

ICT and Economic Growth

OECD 2003
ISBN 92-64-10128-4

Main findings
The 2001 OECD Ministerial report, “The New Economy: Beyond the Hype”, concluded that information and communications technology (ICT) is important and has the potential to contribute to more rapid growth and productivity gains in the years to come. Both the 2001 and 2002 OECD Ministerial meeting sreiterated the importance of ICT for growth performance and requested the OECD to continue its work in this area. A specific request for further work on ICT and business performance was made to the OECD in the autumn of 2001, by the US Secretary of Commerce, Mr. Evans. This report, which responds to OECD Ministers and Secretary Evans, revisits the contribution made by ICT to economic performance using more recent data to assess the degree to which the empirical findings that appeared valid at the end of 2000 remain in tact. It draws on a range of new statistics and empirical analysis that was not available for prior OECD work. This includes new empirical analysis with official firm-level data that has been carried out through an OECD-led team of researchers and statistical offices in 13 OECD countries. The study also incorporates new evidence from official statistics on the use of ICT and e-commerce by firms, which were also not available for previous work. The report also examines whether the policy conclusions from the previous OECD work require adjustment in the current economic environment. The findings and policy implications of the work are summarised below; they reaffirm and elaborate those of the OECD Growth Study.

Empirical messages
ICT continues to have strong impacts on performance
The recent slowdown has laid to rest several myths regarding the new economy: the business cycle is not dead, stock market valuations must be realistic and backed by sound profit expectations, and the ICT sector is not immune to downturns. But this should not distract from the economic benefits that have already accompanied the spread of ICT and the continued importance of ICT for growth in the years to come. It may be too early to tell how the role of ICT in growth and productivity performance will develop in the first decade of the 21st century. Some general trends can be observed, however, that suggest that ICT will continue to be a driver of growth:
● Productivity growth in the United States, the main example of ICT-led  growth and productivity  improvements, has continued to be strong during  the recent slowdown, suggesting that part of the acceleration in productivity  growth over the second half of the 1990s was indeed structural. Productivity growth in Australia and Canada, both countries characterised by ICT-intensive growth, was also strong over the recent past.
● ICT networks have now spread throughout much of the OECD business sector, and will increasingly be made to work to enhance productivity and business performance. Technological progress in ICT goods and services is continuing at a rapid pace, driving prices down and leading to a wide range of new applications. For example, business-to-consumer e-commerce continues to gain in importance, broadband is diffusing rapidly, and activity in the telecommunications sector continues to grow. Moreover, several applications, such as broadband and e-commerce, are still in their early stages and may have a large potential for future growth.
● While ICT investment has dropped off during the recent slowdown, the release of increasingly powerful microprocessors is projected to continue for the foreseeable future, which will encourage ICT investment and support further productivity growth. Nevertheless, the level of ICT investment may well be lower than that observed prior to the slowdown, however, as the 1995-2000 period was characterised by some one-off investment peaks, e.g. investments related to Y2K and the diffusion of the Internet. On the other hand, some countries may still have scope for catch-up; by 2000, Japan and the European Union area invested a similar share of total investment in ICT than the United States did in 1980.
● Further technological progress in ICT production will imply a continued positive contribution of the ICT manufacturing sector to multifactor productivity (MFP) growth, notably in countries with large ICT-producing
sectors such as Finland, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Sweden and the United States.

The impacts of ICT differ markedly across OECD economies
Despite the importance of ICT, there continue to be marked differences in the diffusion of ICT across OECD countries. New OECD data show that the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the Nordic countries and the Netherlands typically have the highest rates of diffusion of ICT. Many other OECD countries lag in the diffusion of ICT and have scope for greater uptake. It is likely that the largest economic benefits of ICT should be observed in countries with high levels of ICT diffusion. However, having the equipment or networks is not enough to derive economic benefits. Other factors, such as the regulatory environment, the availability of appropriate skills, the ability to change organisational set-ups, as well as the strength of accompanying innovations in ICT applications, affect the ability of firms to seize the benefits of ICT.
Consequently, countries with equal ICT diffusion  . . . . .......(baca_selengkapnya )

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The Role of ICT in Governing Rural Development

by : Anita Kelles

Paper to be presented at the IFAD Workshop on the What are the Innovation
Challenges for Rural Development, to be held in Rome on 15 to 17 November 2005

1. Introduction
A few years back I was offered to write a paper on the role of ICT in poverty reduction. I was hesitant because I thought the subject was one of those techno hypes, and had not much to do with poverty reduction. Yet, I took on the assignment and suspected that the paper would be very short.
While reading reports and research materials I soon discovered that I had been wrong. I found out that ICT had a major role to play in poverty reduction. But I also learned that ICT alone, without aligning it with other development goals and efforts, and without involving the rural poor, would not be able to deliver expected results. I became also convinced that ICT had to be part of a holistic approach to poverty reduction (Kelles-Viitanen 2003).
The role of ICT is catalytic in the complex task of poverty reduction by leveraging the effects on earnings opportunities, on educational and health services, on good governance and on promoting democracy. Since information exchange is part of nearly every element of the economy, the impact of improvements in the capacity for information exchange will depend critically on how the rest of the economy functions. This suggests the centrality of a holistic approach in evaluating the impact of ICT. For example, the impact of improved ICT access on farm earnings through increased knowledge of market prices will be muted if there are no roads to carry crops to markets, or there are no markets because of an unreformed agricultural sector. (World Bank 2001).

Any approach using ICT in the interest of poverty reduction has to be broad-based and tailored to various sectors and build inter-linkages. (Ibid). According to a study carried out in India, Jamaica and South Africa the effectiveness of ICT in combating poverty depends on i) complementarities with other local level poverty reduction and development initiatives, ii) responding to the local community needs, and iii) involving stakeholders in applications development. (Millar and Mansell 1999).
Care should be taken to make sure that the novelty factor of the technology does not drive . . . . .......(baca_selengkapnya )

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ISBN 978-92-9189-078-1

Executive summary
The Guide to Measuring Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education represents a groundbreaking attempt to put in place internationally standardized concepts and indicator measurement specifications that will ensure consistent use and interpretation of ICT in education statistics among policymakers, statisticians, researchers, experts and statistical institutions across the world. Given the rapidly evolving nature of ICT, this guide should be viewed as a living document, subject to future refinements.
The proposed ICT in education indicators have been based on data that can be generated within existing official administrative sources rather than on irregular, costly or external resource-dependant national surveys in order to ensure long-term sustainability in data collection efforts for a majority of countries. A few methodological and operational caveats have been identified for improvement over time.
This guide presents an expanded set of indicators for monitoring ICT in education beyond the core list developed by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) (UIS, 2008b). It elaborates on data collection modalities and indicator calculation methodologies based on proposed questionnaire items. The guide also provides a review of concepts previously used in international comparative assessments of ICT use in education and examines global policy concerns.

1. Introduction
Since the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT), their integration into education and the associated financial investments have been policy concerns in many countries. The initiatives that were taken to give ICT a place in education have resulted in a need to monitor these developments, using reliable and valid indicators. Once these indicators are available through standardized international data collection efforts, policymakers can review progress of their countries over time in comparison with their nationally defined targets and other relevant reference countries.
It is believed that the use of ICT in education can increase access to learning opportunities. It can help to enhance the quality of education with advanced teaching methods, improve learning outcomes and enable reform or better management of education systems. Yet, a recent “knowledge mapping” exercise conducted by the World Bank's Information for Development Programme (InfoDev) (Trucano, 2005) revealed that, despite decades of large investments in ICT to benefit education in OECD countries and its increased use in developing countries, data to support the perceived benefits from ICT are limited and evidence of effective impact is elusive or even debatable. These findings highlighted various knowledge gaps and underscored the need for internationally accepted standards, methodologies and indicators to better measure the real benefits of ICT in education.
This lack of reliable, quality data, in addition to the absence of standardized guidelines for establishing relevant and comparable indicators, hinder policymakers in making informed decisions or in demonstrating greater commitment to integrating ICT into their education systems. Measuring the contribution of ICT to development was a major concern at ..................................(baca_selengkapnya )

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